
가격문의(상세정보 참조)

Rack Mount Audio & Video Monitors

Working with audio is a complex endeavor. There are broadcast compliance challenges, ensuring that audio loudness thresholds are not exceeded. There are the quality control essentials that assure broadcast signal integrity. Depending on format, the number of signals to monitor and maintain range from very low to high density. MultiDyne acquired Census Digital in 2020 to problem-solve these broadcast and production audio challenges. MultiDyne’s rackmounted CENSUS Series provide reliable confidence monitoring for studios, mobile production and broadcast operations. Each addresses signal density needs for SDI, analog, AES/EBU,MADI or Dante IP audio, and simplifies how engineers visually and aurally monitor individual audio channels, adjust loudness levels and downmix channels. A consistent front panel design and intuitive UI assures a familiar user experience across all models while extracting audio information, setting key parameters and maintaining quality control.

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㈜피아이인터내셔널 ㅣ 대표이사 노일식 

사업자 등록번호 220-81-45217   사업자정보확인 >
주소 ㅣ  06254 , 서울특별시 강남구 도곡로 123 대경빌딩 4층

Tel. 02-508-3871 ㅣ Fax. 02-508-3874

123, Dogok-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 

E-mail  pi@piinternational.co.kr

㈜피아이인터내셔널 ㅣ 대표이사 노일식 ㅣ 사업자 등록번호 220-81-45217   사업자정보확인 > 
주소 06254 , 서울특별시 강남구 도곡로 123 대경빌딩 4층ㅣ Tel. 02-508-3871 ㅣ Fax. 02-508-3874

123, Dogok-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 

E-mail  pi@piinternational.co.kr