Introducing the Vista 1 Carbon
The all-in-one compact, flexible mix system for broadcast, live and production
Designed to pack everything you need within a single compact console, Vista 1 Carbon combines an industry-leading Studer® control surface with advanced DSP, fully-configurable I/O and redundant power supplies - all in one unit.
Vista 1 Carbon's powerful feature set and flexible I/O configurations mean it can handle the widest range of applications, from OB and ENG vans, to small studios, to mobile productions where the console needs to be moved frequently.
Ready for easy integration with AoIP networks and expandable via Studer®'s D21m system and our Compact Stageboxes, Vista 1 Carbon is a cost-effective, future-proof console ready for anything that gets thrown its way.
Overview Video
Overview Video
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Tel. 02-508-3871 ㅣ Fax. 02-508-3874
123, Dogok-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
㈜피아이인터내셔널 ㅣ 대표이사 노일식 ㅣ 사업자 등록번호 220-81-45217 사업자정보확인 >
주소 06254 , 서울특별시 강남구 도곡로 123 대경빌딩 4층ㅣ Tel. 02-508-3871 ㅣ Fax. 02-508-3874
123, Dogok-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea