Our industry leading Software Defined Video Networking (SDVN) solutions help our
customers seamlessly transition from SDI to IP-based facilities using open standards
(SMPTE ST 2110) to become future proof and agile in today's environment
Compact routing and processing platform capable of expanding to a non-blocking 960x960 12G-SDI routing matrix with FX-LINK
IP Here & Now
Our industry leading Software Defined Video Networking (SDVN) solutions help our customers seamlessly transition from SDI to IP-based facilities using open standards (SMPTE ST 2110) to become future proof and agile in today's environment
Engage and monetize with Ease Live's SaaS-based graphics
Deliver personalized polls, trivia, and sponsored betting within live streams
Cloud-based SaaS video services for content owners and creators from the pioneers of cloud broadcast technology
방송,솔루션분야의 선두주자 ㈜피아이인터내셔널
㈜피아이인터내셔널 ㅣ 대표이사 노일식
사업자 등록번호 220-81-45217 사업자정보확인 >
주소 ㅣ 06254 , 서울특별시 강남구 도곡로 123 대경빌딩 4층
Tel. 02-508-3871 ㅣ Fax. 02-508-3874
123, Dogok-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
E-mail pi@piinternational.co.kr
㈜피아이인터내셔널 ㅣ 대표이사 노일식 ㅣ 사업자 등록번호 220-81-45217 사업자정보확인 >
주소 06254 , 서울특별시 강남구 도곡로 123 대경빌딩 4층ㅣ Tel. 02-508-3871 ㅣ Fax. 02-508-3874
123, Dogok-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea